Monday, 27 May 2013

Goodbye Miss Mc Kiernan!

Goodbye Miss Mc Kiernan!                                                                                                                    We are all very sad to see you go!    Thank you for working so hard with us and for all the fun things we did.
We will miss you very much!


Sunday, 26 May 2013

Butter Making

Miss Mc Kiernan showed us how to make butter!
We put cream into a small container and had to shake it A LOT!
We  said this poem while we were shaking the cream into butter!
Churn butter churn,
Come butter come,
Peter stands at the gate,
Waiting for a butter cake,
Come butter come!

It was great fun and the best part was when we got to eat our butter on yummy crackers!

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Outdoor Classroom

Now that summer is here we are using our outdoor classroom more often. Check out these photos of us busy working during Aistear!

Friday, 17 May 2013

Animal Hunt!

On Wednesday we went on an animal hunt! The animals were hiding around the school and we had to work out where they were. We found a dog,a ladybird,a horse,a hen and a bear!
It was GREAT fun!

Monday, 13 May 2013

The Wizard of Oz!

Yes! it's Dorothy and Toto,Lion, Scarecrow,Tin Man and the Wicked Witch!
We are all very excited about our  school musical The Wizard  of Oz!
The first show is on tomorrow evening in the school hall. Can't wait!!

Computer Class Is Class!

Shh! We are all very busy concentrating in the computer room!